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Facilitation & Partnering
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Citizens Advisory Board Facilitation

The Langdon Group (TLG) is contracted with the Department of Energy (DOE) as the lead facilitator for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site Environmental Management (EM) Citizens Advisory Board (CAB). The CAB is a federally-appointed citizen panel that provides advice and recommendations to the DOE. The CAB members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and include environmentalists, natural resource users, INL workers, and representatives of local government, health care, higher education, business, and the general public. One member represents the Native American Tribes: Shoshone-Bannock Tribe. Three additional liaisons (nonvoting) include representatives from the DOE Idaho Operations Office, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). The CAB is chartered by DOE as an environmental management site-specific advisory board through the Federal Advisory Committee Act. All site-specific advisory boards meet locally on a site-specific basis at DOE Super Fund (CERCLA) installations throughout the United States. TLG is responsible for consensus building and mediation to make specific recommendations regarding where federal dollars are spent on the Idaho Cleanup Project. Carefully facilitated meetings among divergent interests helps create healthy, constructive dialogue and collaboration. Recommendations from the CAB have a direct effect on the Southeast Idaho economy.


  • Bi-Monthly meeting facilitation
  • Annual CAB retreat facilitation
  • Agenda/Presentation Topic development
  • Facilitate federal recommendations