Butte, Montana has one of the richest, most colorful histories in the nation. The role this community played in the world’s cooper industry is considered critical to understanding the history of the United States. Today, Butte includes the largest National Historic Landmark District in the country, as well as one of its largest superfund sites. The Atlantic Richfield Company (AR) and Butte-Silver Bow (BSB), as Settling Defendants (SDs) to the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Consent Decree (CD), have committed to design, build, operate and maintain the remedy for abandoned mining sites and historic mining wastes described in the CD. This includes a commitment to develop and submit a Community Engagement Plan (CEP) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review and approval, in consultation with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Langdon Group as part of the AR/BSB team, conducted a situational assessment, consisting of over 70 interviews, drafted and prepared the CEP: https://www.co.silverbow.mt.us/DocumentCenter/View/22742/BPSOU-Community-Engagement-Plan?bidId=. TLG is helping lead the execution of the efforts described in the CEP, including facilitation and management of an advisory committee charged with identifying the preferred repository for mine wastes and impacted soils; stakeholder focus group management and facilitation; and a multi-faceted community engagement program that will grow and evolve in response to community interest and need through the completion of all work. When complete the remediated areas will become part of the Silver Bow Creek Conservation area, a public space for natural features, recreation, concerts, and events.